April 2021: monthly review

This is the monthly review for April 2021 which outlines what was achieved in the previous month, announces any important news or changes, and provides some idea of what’s coming up. It’s a long update this month…

Last month (April 2021)

Stories: 2 stories that were published in March have now been added to VarlanceInteractive.com as archive versions: Finding Garrett and ‘Digital Marketing with HypnoHype! Case Study: PiersMortonXXX‘, both at GaySpiralStories.

Twine 2 Sugarcube 2 Notepad ++ UDL: I released a User Defined Language XML file for Notepad++. This highlights Twine 2 Sugarcube 2 macros and syntax in Notepad++, which can be very helpful for game developers working in Twine 2 and using the Sugarcube 2 format. The file and documentation can be found here (Mega.NZ link to file only is here).

Enderon: Restarted development on Enderon. Scope reviewed, Tweego migration completed and dev builds are functional again. Still more work to do before the next update of the free version. You can grab a dev build of 0.0.10 from the Homotextual Gaming Guild Discord server, though (link).

School is Hellish: I picked up another side project – making a mod of a game called School is Hell by Outlands (with his kind permission). You can play the original game here, Outlands’ other games are here (of which only School is Hell is complete), and Outlands’ Twitter page is here. For now, you can grab a dev build of School is Hellish from the Homotextual Gaming Guild Discord server (link).

Polls: I ran two polls looking at what projects you would like me to focus on and what story ideas you most like the sound of. The results are: most voters would like me to work on Escape from Enderon, and the most popular story idea (with four votes – not much in it) is Prepare Ye: “Pastor Michael Collins is sent a recording of a sermon from the famous evangelical preacher Graham White. He sets about converting the residents of Fairview Springs into needy, exhibitionist himbos.” Thanks for participating in the polls!

Patreon: Billing remains paused until I can release a free update to Escape from Enderon, but this should hopefully be very soon now.

Next month (May 2021)

Stories: None planned right now.

Games: My plan is to complete the School is Hellish mod, which shouldn’t take too much longer, and then return to working on Enderon. Trello board for Enderon: https://trello.com/b/150woSdI/.

Patreon: Thanks to new patrons! BTW, I’ve found a new spiritual home on Discord – the Homotextual Gaming Guild Discord server, where you can message me, discuss my creative projects, and grab dev builds of my current games. Link to join: (link). Here you’ll also find other creators like Unruly Dogboy, author of Demitransference, and BerylForge, author of Campus Magnum, among others. If you’re a fan of gay-focused interactive fiction, come and say hello!

That’s it for this month. Thanks for reading!