Escape from Enderon v0.0.10

Escape from Enderon: v0.0.10 is available from the link below:


It’s been a very long time since I’ve worked on Enderon properly, so this version is available to everyone. I’ll be refocusing the game to make it primarily a prison escape simulation, more like my old game Surrendr. So this release will draw a line under the early work and future releases will focus more on new gameplay.

Also, for now (while Enderon enters the next phase of its development), my Patreon channel will function more like a tip jar. Releases of Escape from Enderon will be free to everyone until further notice.Patreon billing will resume from 1 October 2021.

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Escape from Enderon: v0.0.8 PUBLIC

This post contains the download link for the v.0.0.8 build of Escape from Enderon, which is available as a public release.

Escape from Enderon: v0.0.8 PUBLIC!TplBhDjD!WZD1hEhADRn5SlAMM6apusetaZPWhOzwoUneHhjIGO0

Escape from Enderon is built in Twine 2 with Sugarcube 2 format. It should run in your browser (I use Google Chrome) like other Twine interactive fiction games. 

Changelog to follow in a separate post!