This story was originally posted at on 2020-01-07. It is part of the GaySpiralStories community series ‘A Game of Ass Assassin’.
K.O.K. vice-president Pablo and frat bro Zachary catch Jeffrey hiding in the apartment. Game over…
“This is a CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE community series inspired by the format of The Grandfather’s Gift and the game of assassin where I give you all the set up and you can write what happens next! At the end of each chapter, there should be at least two options for how the story can go. If you want, you can include more than that or write about a possibility that isn’t listed. The only limit is your imagination! Minimum 400 words for each new chapter. Please reuse this intro at the beginning of any chapters you add so that new readers will be able to see all the rules. Enjoy!”
“Finn! Hold on!” Jeffrey said. “I have a better idea! Your brothers are just coming in to check on you, right? They’re not gonna be expecting anyone else here. I just need to find somewhere to hide until they’ve gone.”
Continue reading “A Game of Ass Assassin: Path 1.2.4 (Caught by Pablo: FAILURE)”