Twine 2 Sugarcube 2 Notepad++ UDL v1.00

Screenshot of Twine 2 Sugarcube 2 UDL

Following some discussion in the Homotextual Gaming Guild Discord channel, I’m making my Notepad++ User Defined Language for Twine 2 Sugarcube 2 available. The link is:

This is v1.00 of the file. It’s provided as is. Please feel free to modify it and distribute it or your own modifications of it, you do not need to attribute it or seek my permission.

If you need to download Notepad++ the link is here.

How to use

To install it in Notepad++, simply copy and paste the file into your Notepad++ user defined languages folder. On my system, it is in the following location:


Refer to the Notepad++ documentation on UDLs if you’re not sure where to find this folder.

You do not need to rename the file. Once the file has been pasted into the UDL folder, simply close and reopen Notepad++. You should now see the option to select ‘Twine 2 Sugarcube 2 (Varlance) v1.00’ from the Language menu in Notepad++.

Once selected, the language applies to the currently open file in Notepad++ and you will see your Twine 2 Sugarcube 2 code highlighted.

The UDL was originally created on 2018-12-04 by going through the Sugarcube 2 documentation and identifying all the macros and special keywords. The colour scheme is based on the JavaScript colour scheme that comes with Notepad++ (since Sugarcube 2 is largely based on JavaScript). Sugarcube 2 has been updating regularly since I created this, so not all keywords will be defined in the UDL. Feel free to modify it to add any that are missing.

Similar resources

You can try out John Ayliff’s version using these links:

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