The Twelve Days of Punishmas: Christmas Eve (Day 0)

This story was originally posted at on 2020-01-04.

19-year-old Liam hates Christmas. Unfortunately, this year he’s on Santa’s Naughty List, and naughty boys don’t get to play with themselves. Making amends is going to be quite the challenge…

Liam hated Christmas. The nineteen-year-old boy (he really was somewhat immature) had only been home for one day but already he had gotten into a slanging match with his mum, shouted at his younger brother, and broken several wine glasses. Liam had a strained relationship with his family at the best of times. It seemed that the added stress of Christmas brought out the worst in everyone, though to be fair to the Heywoods, Liam had done fuck all to rein in his behaviour. He had flatly refused to help around the house, leaving his brother Freddie and his cousins Gary and Scott to shoulder the burden of catering and entertainment for the household.

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A Game of Ass Assassin: Path 1.2 (Distraction)

This story was originally posted at on 2019-12-23. It is part of the GaySpiralStories community series ‘A Game of Ass Assassin’.

Summary: The game continues in West Ferndale Heights. A hit! Samir enlists Jeffrey’s help. A frat bro has a good time.

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A Game of Ass Assassin: Path 1 (Hunted)

This story was originally posted at on 2019-12-20. It is part of the GaySpiralStories community series ‘A Game of Ass Assassin’.

Summary: Jeffrey learns more about K.O.K. from his roommate Samir. The game is on in West Ferndale! A takedown. Where to go next?

Continue reading “A Game of Ass Assassin: Path 1 (Hunted)”

Welcome to Varlance Interactive

Hello and welcome to Varlance Interactive!

Varlance is my pen name for my gay erotic fiction creative work. This site is for archiving published work and presenting other projects such as my interactive fiction games.

For more about my current projects, visit

Content warning: The content in these stories and on is a work of fiction, which contains explicit descriptions of sexual situations and explicit and crude language. It is not intended for children. The situations described may be unsafe in real life – use good judgement and play safe, sane and consensual.