
Title screen of a game called 'Intellia' by Discoveria

Intellia is an abandoned fantasy RPG that I created using RPG Maker XP. I released a demo (v3.4) back in September 2008. The current version (v3.4.1) is an updated release which packages a required rgss102e.dll file with v3.4.

To play it you probably need to download the RPG Maker XP Run Time Package (RTP) here: I’m afraid the game is so ancient that I won’t be able to provide any support for it.

(It’s kind of basic and not very good, compared to my recent games, and is completely SFW.)

Intellia v3.4.1 download link


Map of Intellia from in-game assets.


What follows below is a copy of the game page at, for archive purposes.

Intellia (working title)

A first game by Discoveria
made in RPG Maker XP

Version 3.4.1 of the demo
The demo is not RTP independent. You probably need to download the RPG Maker XP Run Time Package (RTP) here:

The game requires rgss102e.dll which is packaged with the v3.4.1 download file.

The demo should take 30 minutes to complete, a bit more if you explore fully. It should end automatically once you have advanced all completable quests to relative completion.

The Story
In the Year of Peace 283, the Winter Palace in Frostforth, in the Kingdom of Intellia, is attacked in a bloody, but unsuccessful coup.

The Crown Prince Keric, heir to the throne, survives and is brought up knowing nothing about his true identity.

In the absence of the Crown Prince, the Council of Intellia governs the Kingdom, waiting for the day when Prince Keric will reclaim the throne.

Now, in Y.O.P. 300, those responsible for the coup are stirring again, and the trail leads to a young mage in the Intellia Academy of Magic. His fate will determine the fate of the Kingdom.

No villains in this list, as they have yet to take a concrete form in my mind. 🙂

A young mage at the Academy of Magic, and the game’s main protagonist.

Rollo’s friend and fellow mage at the Academy.

A young Healer whom Rollo encounters on his adventures.

The Deputy Captain of the Town Guard of Rilvane, and a staunch ally.

Crown Prince of Intellia.

Royal nurse to Prince Keric, and one of the few survivors of the coup of Y.O.P. 283.


  • Tutorial system
  • Quest Log
  • Skill storage and retrieval
  • Element Points learning system: Gain points in each of four Elements to allow learning new Skills
  • Over 30 custom Skills (4 more-or-less implemented in the demo)
  • Limited custom graphics (icons; changed colours in sprites; 1 custom Skill animation so far)
  • Scrolls that can teach Skills to multiple characters (implemented but not useful in demo)
  • Readable books, searchable chests, and other basic features
  • Skippable, interactive introduction cutscene

Author Notes
An abandoned game from 2008. This Author Notes section updated 01/08/2023 to bundle the required .dll file with the game. Many thanks to SacredLobo for playing and reviewing (with YouTube video) and to anyone else who tried it out!

The full game was (hopefully) planned to be around 4-10 hours of gameplay.

Originally released for Release Something! Day IV at