June 2020: monthly update

Hello! This is the monthly update for June 2020 which outlines what was achieved in the previous month, announces any important news or changes, and provides some idea of what’s coming up. 

The update’s a bit longer this month. Also see below regarding Patreon’s sales tax changes.

Last month (June 2020)

Stories: The final chapter of Ass Assassin, Round 2 has been published on GaySpiralStories! Two previous stories I wrote have been archived at https://varlanceinteractive.com/.

Game: I’ve decided to replace the current travel/explore mechanics in the game with a more complex ‘location/area’ mechanic. In this new mechanic, the player will be given a small number of randomly selected ‘locations’ from a large pool of possible locations, that they can travel to. Within each location, there will be a small number of randomly selected ‘areas’ that the player can explore, resulting in loot, enemy encounters, etc. Each location and its areas will be written up as its own uniquely characterised entry. Some unique locations may only be encountered once before being removed from the possible outcomes in the game, so that hopefully the exploration element of the game will be more like progressing through a gamebook and less like rolling a finite list of random outcomes. (The system was inspired by the solar system/planet mechanics from Out There: Omega Edition.)

Patreon: I want to address the Patreon sales tax changes which will come into effect on 1st July 2020. You can read about these here and you probably also received email from Patreon about the changes if you are from a country where the changes apply. I’ve listed the benefits each support tier on my channel provides; according to Patreon, this “may save your patrons a small amount of sales tax in some cases”. Please do read the information Patreon provided about this (again, here) if you want to know more.

Next month (July 2020)

Stories: GaySpiralStories is holding a second story challenge with the theme of ‘Supernatural’. I have a germ of an idea for an entry and intend to write something for it. Entries are anonymous this time, so assuming I submit an entry before the deadline, I may not be able to notify patrons about it until after the challenge is over (which would probably be in early August).

The Ass Assassin series will continue after A Voyeur Fan and I do some planning.

Game: I plan to resume development!

Patreon: Nothing else to announce at the moment. 

Reminder: I tend to hang out on the GaySpiralStories Discord, so you can contact me there as well as through Patreon or by email. 

That’s it for this month. Thanks for reading!