Paragon Pioneers Resources

So, I found a cool new mobile game called Paragon Pioneers. It’s a game by solo Berlin-based developer Tobias Tenbusch. It’s an idle city-building game with influences from the Anno series of games. You control an island of pioneers and build various buildings on a new island to produce resources and expand to other islands.

I helped to improve the translation of the game’s text and tutorial from German to English and have been busy creating useful gameplay resources for it. This post will make the resources I’ve made available beyond the Paragon Pioneers Discord community. Currently, there are three resources: the Production Predictor, the Production Ratios sheet, and the Building Patterns sheet.

Production Predictor v3.05

This is an Excel workbook that models the interactions between different production buildings. It also does a few other things. Link below:

You can use it to:

  • Build a mathematical model of the production and consumption of resources on an island (or across all islands). The model represents all the buildings and ships in the game and tells you how much you’re producing and what you need to build next to increase production of a particular resource.
  • Compare your islands against the 1000 Paragons models in the Production Predictor. This helps you to plan how much production you will need to sustain 1000 Paragons in order to win the game.
  • Choose the size of the islands you want to settle to produce certain goods.
  • Compare battle stats – but there is also currently a very useful battle calculator by Discord user eiowlta here:
  • Calculate your ships’ cargo capacity and compare it to the amount of goods your islands produce.
  • Calculate how much favor you get for handing over an island to the Paragons.

This file will also be available on the Paragon Pioneers wiki.

Both the Building Patterns and Production Ratios sheets are contained within the Production Predictor workbook.

Production Ratios v2.02

This Excel sheet gives the optimal numbers of buildings required to efficiently produce finished goods.

Building Patterns v2.01

This Excel sheet shows how you can arrange your late-game buildings to satisfy 100% of your Paragons’ needs and luxury requirements. Link: