Hello! This is the monthly update for March 2020 which outlines what was achieved in the previous month, announces any important news or changes, and provides some idea of what’s coming up.
Last month (Mar 2020)
Stories: Sorry, it’s been a bit quiet on the story front this month. I submitted a story to a new site that I haven’t worked with before; it’s not been published yet.
Game: Public release build v0.0.8 of my interactive fiction game, Escape from Enderon, is available here. v0.0.8 changelog is here. The game has an IGDB entry over at TFGamesSite and I’ve posted about it at the Fenoxo.com forum.
Patreon: 3 new patrons – thanks so much!
Note, as described in previous updates, the $1 tier has been removed now that the public version of Escape from Enderon is available.
Next month (Apr 2020)
Stories: A Game of Ass Assassin is sitting with A Voyeur Fan for the next instalment. Chapter 4 of The Twelve Days of Punishmas is half-written and Chapter 3 is ready but not yet published. The story I mentioned above that I submitted should be published at some point. Also, GaySpiralStories is holding a competition (“challenge”) on the topic of ‘The Very First Time‘. I’m working on an entry at the moment. It has to be submitted by 1st May.
Game: Further development, including a public hotfix and hopefully a v0.0.9 release later in the month. Trello board is here. Early feedback suggests I need to make the game less repetitive/add more varied content, and possibly add sex scenes as a reward for defeating opponents in combat.
Patreon: Nothing new to announce at the moment.
Reminder: I tend to hang out on the GaySpiralStories Discord, so you can contact me there as well as through Patreon or by email.
That’s it for this month. Thanks for reading!